Former Indian cricket captain MS Dhoni on Wednesday unveiled the first glimpse of his graphic novel Atharva: The Origin. It is based on the work of author Ramesh Thamilmani. As a mythical sci-fi web series, it is supported by Dhoni Entertainment.
In the first preview clip, we see Dhoni on the battlefield in an animated avatar. With his character fighting a demon army. Dhoni, who retired from international cricket in 2019, seems to be looking for new avenues, and Atharva is one of them.
The “New Age Graphic Novel” announced in 2020 as “an adaptation of an unpublished book by a debutant author”. Dhoni’s wife Sakshi Singh Dhoni, who is the managing director of Dhoni Entertainment, talked about making the series. He called it an “exciting series”.
“The book is a scientific collection exploring the journey of a mysterious Aghori imprisoned in a high-tech facility. The secrets revealed by this Aghori can change ancient myths, present beliefs, and future times.
Sakshi earlier said, “We want to make sure that we implement all aspects of this universe and bring every character and story to the screen as much as possible. It serves the purpose better, “Sakshi said earlier in a statement.
The media company founded by Dhoni Entertainment and the couple also launched their first project for Disney + Hotstar in 2019 – Roar of the Lion.
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